God's voice

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Would you like more confidence, especially in the area of hearing God’s voice?

The key lies in becoming familiar with His voice. It is about cultivating God-confidence rather than relying on self-confidence or circumstances to lead the way.

How do we do that?

Immersing yourself in His Word is a powerful catalyst for building the assurance you desire to hear His voice.

As the new year begins, the thought of reading through the entire Bible may come to mind. God’s Word is a precious gift. The more we read it, the better we understand His character and recognize His voice in our lives.

But diving in headfirst can lead to:

  • Guilt & Grumbles: Feeling behind or confused can zap your joy.
  • Speedy Skimming: Missing the good stuff when time is tight.
  • Chore Chart Blues: God’s word shouldn’t become just another “to-do.”

Don’t worry! Many have walked this path before us, and we can discover a route that suits our uniqueness.

Helpful tools to try:

  1. Bible Project – This is the best reading plan to help you see how the Bible is one story that leads to Jesus. It is a free program supplemented with short entertaining teaching videos on each book and theme. It is a great way to read through the Bible and understand it! I’ve done it twice with friends and think it’s awesome! It’s great for everyone, whether you’re a pro or just starting.
  2. Church Lectionary – Here is an interesting program that goes through the Bible in 3 years. It is built around the seasons of the Church year that reflect the life of Christ. Daily reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a reading from the New Testament letters, and a Gospel reading. The readings are selected with connections to the context, https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/
  3. Lectio365 – A free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. Tune into God’s presence and peace by slowing down, meditating on scripture, listening to God, and praying for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each day. When you pause in His presence, you create space for peace in a busy and complicated world. https://www.24-7prayer.com/resource/lectio-365/
  4. Biblequestions.com – This is a great resource to supplement any reading plan. Type the questions that come up as you read through the Bible into the question box and get helpful concise answers that are well-grounded.
  5. Learn a simple 4-step process through “Enjoying the Bible with the Author.” This course blends highlights from books, Bible college, and 40 years of practice. The four sessions can be completed individually at your own pace, or in a group. The videos and coaching sessions will equip you for a lifetime of growing closer to God through His Word. The next group session starts on Tuesday, February 6th, from 6:30 to 7:15 PM, either in person or on Zoom.

New Year

Let this be a remarkable year of drawing closer to God in His Word. The recommended tools shift the focus from seeking mere wisdom or principles to building a genuine relationship with God. It’s not about collecting knowledge; it’s about fostering a meaningful connection. Approach His Word with genuine anticipation, not obligation!

Bonus Tip:

Team up with a friend and each share what God is showing you.