The Bible is God’s gift to us.

What an incredible gift…

But many of us feel confused trying to read and understand the Bible. When we come across stories or passages that seem confusing or don’t make sense, it’s easy to just walk away and forget about it.

Thankfully, God doesn’t leave it all up to us. He has provided a way for us to enjoy the Bible with the Author.

This website is created to provide resources for everyone to know and enjoy God.  God describes eternal life as knowing Him (John 17:3), and that starts now. 

For the Journey

Sometimes it’s helpful to think about getting to know God as a journey. Just like any relationship. It is a process. Enjoying the Bible with God is such a crucial part of this journey. 

One of the resources provided on this website for the journey is a clear, practical 4 step guide for engaging with the Bible. This guide is the culmination of more than 40 years of learning. It equips each of us with a process that protects us from a partial or incorrect understanding of the Bible. Whether you are just starting out or have been traveling with God for many years, we can all grow in the process of enjoying the Bible with God.

What is the Bible?

There are so many ways to describe the Bible, but they all come up short. Isn’t that just the way with anything concerning God! There aren’t enough words in any language to adequately describe the privilege of our relationship with God and the written Word that He has given us. We learn to hear His voice in our hearts through the Bible.

A renown teacher from the 1800’s, D.L. Moody said,

The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.

Leaving False Beliefs Behind

In this course we will also learn to identify and disregard previous false notions of the Bible. Much of our transformation and life with God includes shedding wrong mindsets.

Your Journey

Traveling with other believers is important as well as your own understanding of His communication through His written word. The following analogy is graphic but memorable.

On this journey we all need strength to persevere. The analogy of gaining strength through food is helpful. But let me ask you this question… does the food do you any good if you don’t learn how to chew and swallow it? You need nourishment no one else can gain it for you.

We glean helpful insights from one another and we are thankful for the teachers God provides. But learning how to read and understand the Bible for yourself with God is what makes it enjoyable and fruitful. Don’t rely on someone else’s experience alone.

There are many Bible study methods that we can learn, but most of them have the same principles. But the most important thing to remember is to keep on moving in the journey. 

The Four Step Guide:

Get started here.

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