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“What We Repeat, Competes:
What Will We Choose?”

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What’s on your mind right now?

Chances are there is a problem in the back of your mind you are trying to solve. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life. Maybe you’re just bored and restless. Whatever it is, you’re not alone. We all have thoughts that distract us. Our minds are constantly busy, trying to figure things out, trying to make sense of the world.

Then we hear a sermon or talk to a friend that reminds us we can take these cares to God for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7.) We remember that He will guide us and we think,

“Why do I forget this truth so quickly?

Opposing Influence

We hear messages from many sources every day. “You can do it, you’ve got this, be yourself,” may not necessarily oppose God’s message to rely on Him, but it can potentially present a challenge when taken out of context or misinterpreted.

1. “You can do it”: While this message encourages confidence, it can become problematic if it leads to a focus and reliance on one’s strength and abilities without acknowledging God’s role in our lives. Scripture teaches us to recognize our limitations and depend on God’s guidance and strength (2 Corinthians 12:9).

2. “You’ve got this”: This phrase can be encouraging, but it might inadvertently foster a mindset of self-reliance and independence, neglecting the need to seek God’s help and wisdom. We are called to trust in the Lord rather than relying solely on our understanding (Proverbs 3:5).

3. “Be yourself”: While embracing authenticity is essential, this message can be problematic if it encourages focus on ourselves. We can either get puffed up where we think we succeed or discouraged where we think we fail. (Matthew 6:33)

So What Should We Do?

Agree with God. There is enough evidence out there to convince me I couldn’t fix myself or find the joy and peace I needed on my own. I needed a new nature. That is the message of the gospel.

Jesus died for us and gave He gave us a new nature. We are new creations, with new hearts and minds in Him. That is the good news. We now live in God’s Kingdom and trust Him, not ourselves, for the growth and peace we need.

How Do We Do This?

Repetition. Just like we hit the gym to keep our bodies in shape, we also need to train our minds to rest and have faith in God. It’s not something that happens automatically. There is a Greek word we translate into the English word character in Romans 5:3 that includes the concept or process of training. So let’s think about what training might look like for our minds. Think of it as tightening those flaps on our arms – it won’t happen overnight – it takes training those muscles little by little.

Bonus Training Exercise:

Here’s a little training exercise for you to try right now. This will help you become aware of what is filling your mind and what you can do about it. Grab a piece of paper and make two columns – super easy, I promise!

Column One: What Fills You Up:

Think about those activities, experiences, and moments that light up your life. What brings you joy, peace, and a sense of purpose? It could be spending time with loved ones, being in nature, getting creative, helping others, or simply praying and worshiping. For me, it is Inspirational Listening/Reading: I have my favorite authors/blog posts playlists. I love to dive into books that deepen my understanding of God’s character and grace. Write down anything that comes to mind for you.

Column Two: What Drains You:

Now, consider the things that leave you feeling depleted, stressed, or overwhelmed. These could be specific situations, tasks, or even certain people. For me, it is trying to fix myself or my friends! I have to watch out for things I listen to that emphasize self-improvement without acknowledging the power of God working within us. Reflect on activities that drain your energy, fill you with negativity, or create unnecessary stress. Note them down as well.

Rest, Rejoice, and Rejuvenate:

Remember, this journey is unique for each of us. Embrace the freedom to explore and create a personal connection with God that resonates with your heart. When we let go of the weight of expectation and condemnation, we open the door to a deeper and more authentic relationship with our Creator.

As you take time to draw near to God and train your mind to rest in His presence, you’ll discover a profound sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment. It’ll be like a big, refreshing gulp of spiritual lemonade for your soul. So, go ahead, train your brain through repetition, and let God fill you up with His goodness!

PS – We grow much faster and stronger when we share what we learn with a friend. Just try it, I dare you!