What are our expectations for this Christmas season?
- Do we want it to be extra special for our children and grandchildren even if that means overextending our time and finances?
- Do we accept the hustle, bustle, and stress because we want a certain outcome?
… or do we just want it over because we are missing our loved ones?
Everywhere we turn there is something prompting us to make this season bright.
Expectations shape our experiences more than we know.
We may be too busy to understand the expectations that drive us.
What if there is a way to embrace the pleasant and the not-so-pleasant parts
of this season – without trying to force it to fit unrealistic expectations?
Try the “power of the ponder.”
Here is a verse we hear often during the Christmas season.
Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. NASB
- Was everything Mary heard pleasant?
- Did everything she heard about her Son make sense?
- Was there more mystery than comfort?
The Greek definition for pondering is derived from two root words that mean: “to throw together, hence to discuss, consider, meet with.”
Mary let God shape her pondering. She gathered everything together from what God showed her.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the comfort for Mary was that she drew close to God.
Is that something we can do?
Your Turn
- Let’s gather together what God has been saying to us.
- God, please help us weed out the thoughts and expectations that are not from You.
- With You Lord, we enjoy the Power of Ponder.
Share what you are learning. The power of ponder grows exponentially as we share … more on that next time.
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