Is there something we can do to help us hear God’s voice more clearly?

Yes, God’s written word will help us recognize His voice in our hearts.

But how do I understand His written word?

In the past few posts, we have looked at the first two of five keys that have really helped me. The Bible is about God and He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us understand all He has said.

These aren’t simplistic steps or formulas. Just really neat truths that can help us.

Key #3 – The Bible is one story.

Wait a minute, there are tons of stories in the Bible, how can it be one story?

Whether we grew up with the Bible, or it is relatively new, we know it contains many stories. Are they all in order? Is it just me or do some not make sense? Why is there an old testament and a new testament?

I found myself confused often until someone showed me how the Bible was one big story. And, that this one story is all about Jesus.

Luke 24:27 Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He (Jesus) explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

Each story, all the history, all the laws, all the unusual words from the prophets have a purpose. All the stories are part of one big story. Everything points to Jesus. What do I mean by that?

What is this “one story”?

Like any story, there is a beginning. Thankfully the first words in the Bible are …In the beginning.

We read on to see God actively creating everything we can see. Then He created mankind (Adam and Eve) and put them in a garden. He gave them authority in that garden and also gave them one way they could say no to Him. (We call that the forbidden fruit.)

You have to give someone an option to say no, or else their yes has no meaning.

God didn’t create robots. He created people with a free will to receive His love and love Him back if they choose to.

It’s here we have a problem.

Adam and Eve’s choice was not a surprise to God. We read in other places in the Bible God had a plan from the beginning. The rest of the Bible is God looking for people to say yes so He could bring this plan. He promises and provides a way for mankind to make another choice and restore the original intention.

I like to describe the one story of the Bible as six acts of a play. The last act is still being written. (Contact me if you would like to know more.)

Why is this important?

When we see the “One Big Story” of the Bible:

  • We stay in wonder and awe of Who God is and what He has done.
  • We keep God as the main character.
  • We avoid breaking the Bible into fragments of moral, historical, devotional bits and pieces.
  • We don’t limit the Bible to many stories with a moral and rules for life.
  • We see our purpose and future in God. Many of us want an answer to what we are supposed to do. If we focus on the whole Bible, it encourages us to remember God’s plan is the whole world, not just us.

Your Turn

How would you describe the one story of the Bible? What are the components?

How do all the stories fit into one story?

Can you describe the one story in a simple enough way for a child to understand?


Till next time.

  • Keep asking His Holy Spirit to help you as you read and meditate on the Bible,
  • and ask, “what does this show me about You God?

Your Turn

How would you describe the rest of the Bible?

How do all the stories fit into one story?

Can you describe the one story in a simple enough way for a child to understand?


Till next time.

  • Keep asking His Holy Spirit to help you as you read and meditate on the Bible
  • and ask, “what does this show me about You God?