Does seeing only one step at a time make you nervous?

Well, it makes me nervous. I would like to see a lot further down the path, so I know what to expect.

Hmm. Maybe that is the issue…


Perhaps God knows that I may not have the capacity yet to understand what is ahead. Maybe He knows I might get off track with my thinking and expectations?

Isaiah 55:9 ESV For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

(Here is a link to 40 more verses showing that His thinking is beyond ours.

My next step

As I share my moving forward experience with you, I share one step at a time. It’s not a fully developed understanding, it’s just my next step.

I feel somewhat insecure.

Wouldn’t it be better to have a full blown “10 step strategy” to give them Lord? Something that works instantly, and for everyone?

Getting there

Here is my experience of a step God gave me the other night.

I was feeling “off” center, just not myself. I sat down to journal and asked God for help to understand what was going.

I looked at the feeling word sheet and the words nervous, anxious, scared stood out. As I followed the trail back to see what thoughts were prompting these emotions I realized I was focusing on what may be coming up in the future. I also saw how my thoughts replayed the day before and where I feel I fell short.

I felt God gently say, “have you done what I asked what I showed you in each moment.” I thought yes, cause they were easy things.

Then it clicked – that is all I can control. And by doing that I am enjoying Him which is what I feel He really wants.


A friend asked me the other day what trusting God looks like and I got the picture of putting my hand in God’s strong hand and just taking the next step on the path.

I’ve always heard how important it is to live in the moment, but I haven’t always understood why. I think it’s starting to come clear.

Your Turn

Do you feel nervous in any area of your life? Ask God what He has for you at this moment.

Then thank Him.