Moving forward and returning? That sounds like a strange combination… Aren’t we supposed to forget that which is behind and press on?
Phil 3:13 one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead
But what about…
Hebrews 10:32 Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ.
Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering. NLT
Let’s get the context.
In Philippians3, Paul was describing in his letter, the things he used to trust in for his righteousness. He carefully followed all the laws. He tells them earlier in the passage that those things he considered were gain, he now counts as “loss” in light of knowing Jesus. So he moved forward.
The second verse in the letter to the Hebrews talks about our lives since Jesus became our Savior. God is saying through the writer that He wants us to remember the early days.
When I first came to know Jesus as my Savior, there was such a load of guilt and sadness lifted off me. Some people said I literally glowed with light. And since my first language was dance, that was my response. My parents told me that before I could walk, I would pull myself up on the side of the couch, and bounce and dance. They thought it was cute. To me, it’s just been normal.
Lately, I have been returning to the light playful dance. In the mornings I dance around my room to worship music. At lunch and dinner when I am preparing food, I dance around with the ingredients. When I am feeling tired – I twirl. I even dance in my mind and makeup actions to words in a song.
The new phrase in my house is, “dance party.” It’s not for everyone though…
Your Turn
We are all unique. What was your response to God’s forgiveness and love for you?
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